Borneol Terpene Aroma

What is Borneol?

Borneol is a terpene that may be found in plants. It is one of the oldest utilized terpenes, as it is present in many plants. Terpenes are chemicals found in plants that give them their flavor and scent, also known as their organoleptic characteristics. Looking to try something new? Check out this.

Following its usage as a component of traditional medicine in China and other Asian nations, this terpene is now being researched for use in the conventional medical field. Borneol has applications in the cosmetics sector, natural insect repellents, better circulation, and essential oils.

Borneol’s Structure

Borneol is a monoterpene with more than 10 carbon atoms. This is due to the conjugation of isoprene that we’ve previously discussed in our terpenes posts. Feel free to read them through if you want to learn more.

Borneol has a boiling point of 213 degrees Celsius and is colorless to white, translucent, or opaque crystals. This terpene is found in cannabis trichomes and has a pleasant smell (to us) that repels pests and predators of the plant.

Flavor and Aroma of Borneol

The olfactory properties of borneol are distinctive, with menthol, herbaceous and even woody aromas. Camphor, clove, and spicy flavors are also present.

The taste is reminiscent of camphor because it is precisely from the oxidation of borneol that this substance can be obtained. Borneol is a terpene you can find in various plants, as mentioned above:

  • Mugwort
  • Ginger
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • Oregano
  • Some types of cinnamon
  • Cannabis Sativa L.

Borneol is not a terpene that is commonly found in cannabis strains. Although its presence is limited, borneol has an essential role in the entourage effect. This is due to the conjugation of other terpenes and plant components, which boost the effects and qualities of their compounds.

Borneol Terpene Aroma

Borneol has a woody, spicy, and earthy aroma. Menthol or camphor are two fragrant notes that might be smelled. Its earthy and minty scent may give your crop some extra depth. Borneol’s characteristic smell has been used to keep insects and parasites at bay.

Borneol Effects

Borneol’s medicinal applications have been documented and utilized in Oriental medicine for millennia. They would use this energizing terpene to cure respiratory illnesses like as colds and coughs in traditional Chinese medicine.

Today, the borneol terpene continues to be used for a wide range of therapeutic purposes. Borneol is used to relieve pain, improve blood circulation, reduce fevers, and facilitate digestion. Here are a few therapeutic properties of the borneol terpene:

  • Analgesic
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anticoagulant
  • Anti-cancer
  • Anxiolytic 
  • Anti-fibrosis
  • Neuroprotective
  • Anesthetic
  • Antioxidant 


In 2013, researchers discovered that borneol has anti-cancer effects. Researchers discovered that borneol stimulated apoptotic cell death in cancer cells.

According to the study, “Sterol diterpenoids strongly potentiate SeC-induced apoptosis in cancer cells by enhancing cellular uptake.” In other words, the terpene might improve the effects of chemotherapy drugs and kill cancer cells.


In one research, sage infusion and its components were used to prevent the release of pro-inflammatory interleukins in human gingival fibroblasts. The IL-6 and IL-8 pro-inflammatory interleukins were reduced by more than half after treatment with borneol. This terpene may be utilized as a medicated mouthwash to treat tonsillitis or red gums, according on the findings.

Borneol Uses

Borneol is a cannabis terpene with a wide range of therapeutic uses, and its long list of potential applications is extensive. The heart, respiratory, liver, and spleen meridians or energy centers are linked to this essential element in Chinese herbal medicine. Its curative properties are utilized to treat a wide range of illnesses:

  • Facilitate digestion: Stimulates gastric juices.
  • Improve cardiovascular health: It has been shown to be beneficial in the treatment of stroke patients. It also increases circulation and lowers heart disease.
  • Topical Pain Reliever: Borneol is an effective anti-inflammatory and pain reliever, primarily as a topical, perfect for rheumatic diseases
  • Treats Bronchial Symptoms: This terpene promotes lung function and relieves respiratory difficulties, such as bronchitis, coughs, colds, and asthma.
  • Treatment for Alzheimer’s disease
  • Treatment of hemorrhoids and helps the body heal wounds
  • Stimulant for the immune system 
  • Stress-relieve and anti-insomnia: Encourage relaxation while fighting fatigue. Decrease stress and anxiety due to its sedative properties.
  • Aid to the absorption of medical compounds: By lowering your blood-brain barrier, GPC lowers the effectiveness of other medicines, including cancer therapy. It greatly assists your entire body in absorbing things.

Borneol is also used in a variety of applications. It’s an important component of several therapeutic-grade essential oils. It’s used as an air freshener and perfume because to its fresh minty, pine scent. Furthermore, it protects against severe mosquito-borne infections like the West Nile Virus, which is why it’s employed as an active ingredient in insect repellants by businesses.

Isoborneol VS Borneol

Bicyclic monoterpenoids are a type of organic compounds found in plant essential oils that have been utilized widely in aromatherapy. The exo-isomer of is borneol is isoborneol. These chemicals are identical, with the exception of slight changes in atomic configurations and properties.

The reduction of camphor by sodium borohydride leads to the formation of two stereoisomeric compounds, both of which are isomers formed by sodium borohydride. This reducing agent assaults and preferentially targets the less hindered bottom side, resulting in isoborneol.

Isoborneol has a fruity or spicy flavor, whereas bornol has more of a balsamic camphoraceous minty herbal, woody odor with earthy undertones.

Isoborneol is a terpene that may be found in foods and drinks, such as orange and grape soda. This terpene is used to flavor baked goods like carrot cake or gingerbread cookies. Isoborneol has probably shown up in your mouth when eating hard candies with fruit tastes. However, just as bornol, this terpene may be an ingredient in certain bug repellents.

Isoborneol is a chemical that has been used in traditional medicine for hundreds of years. It’s been shown to have antiviral, antibacterial, antitumor, and neuroprotective effects.

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